AI Based




Marketing & Chat


Agent Services

We help you increase your profitability

by generating leads and sales through

human conversational marketing




Who uses "chat agent services" ?



Sales Generation

Our Chat Agent and Chatbot Service provides a chain of sales services such as custom product checkouts, order abandonment recovery, discounts and coupon handling or even interaction for better customer trust.  Besides direct sales, our AI Chat Agent successfully provides cross-selling.

Lead Generation (Without Forms)

Automatically collect leads based on customers' interests with accurate segmentation without using popups or forms.  Instantly get the leads streamed across multiple CRM platforms using Zapier! 

24/7 Helper(without support team)

The bot provides customer support and issues resolving 24/7. Helper answers on the FAQ and saves the live agents time. In other cases the bot connects client with live agent.

Customer Funnel Management

Deploy chat agents that will convert an untargeted prospect into a targeted customer using chat-flows that drive the customer into a funnel by surveying what they are actually interested in to provide a personalized experience that is proven to drive more leads and sales!

Super-easy to use

With our ultra-intuitive interface and pre-written chat flow templates, you'll have your first 3D avatar chat agent up and running on your site - within minutes!

Easy to set up

Simply paste in a snippet of code on your website, or use our live-link technology to instantly add "chat agent services"  to ANY site you want. Boom. Done.


Because we close the sale when a visitor is about to leave or abandon their cart


 because we increase conversion rates for their clients so it makes them look great.


Generate Leads & Sales Automatically


While You Sleep


Click "Play" to learn more about how chat agent services works through our pre-recorded demo.



Still have questions?


We will give a preliminary assessment within 3 minutes


( Fill out the form) and we are ready to start the project 

within 4 working days 



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